The Nazaré Wave project a trigger for learning
Contribution to knowledge-based society engaged with ocean science
Oceans are faced globally with challenges. To achieve a wider ocean governance it is important to involve all parties. In particular, the society and young students are key players. Therefore, Science Communication and Ocean Literacy play a key role.The Nazaré Wave project is one great example.
When projects use the concept of Science Communication and Ocean Literacy, they consequently create a direct connection of citizens with the ocean. This approach helps towards a deeper understanding of it.
The Nazaré Wave project a trigger for learning
The project “The Nazaré Wave: a trigger for learning” aims to raise awareness through Ocean Literacy. It captures, in particular, students attention for the importance of scientific knowledge in ocean management. The “The Nazaré Wave” is an example project for contributing to a knowledge-based society that engages with ocean science. It highlights the importance of science communication in projects that want contribute to a knowledge-based society. Hence, it is a vital step towards sustainable ocean management.
The The Nazaré Wave project was developed in the scope of the outreach activities, It was conducted by the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. It was funded by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism in the framework of the Programme PT02 – Integrated Marine and Coastal Water Management.
The Nazaré Wave animated video
One of the main outputs of the Nazaré Wave project is a movie revealing the secret of this 100-foot wave. The highest wave ever surfed! The movie includes scientific animation videos. Especially relevant is that high school students from Escola Secundária de Gama Barros (Sintra, Portugal) participate and did the voice-over.
Watch the movie
The Nazaré Wave project is coordinated by Mrs. Mafalda Carapuço (coordinator) and Mr. Rui Taborda, Mr. César Andrade from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and Mr. Adérito Cunha from the Gama Barros High School.
Inspiration and Challenges
The inspiration to set up such a project relies on “believing in the role of education and young students in achieving the sustainable management of the oceans”, says the coordinator of the project Mrs. Mafalda Carapuço.
Off course in the lifetime of such projects, one faces challenges and difficulties. Mrs. Mafalda Carapuço says that “Science Communication demands rigorous reporting while, simultaneously, scientific knowledge should be expressed in a language comprehensible to the target audience. The biggest challenge in this project was finding a simple and clear language to get the message across. The students were a major help in assuring that we have translated the scientific contents into an understandable language able to reach them.”
Students can make the difference
After such a challenging project the best outcome and greatest gift for the coordinator Mrs. Mafalda Carapuço and her team is “that young students truly believe that they can make the difference – because they really can.
STORY SOURCE: The above post is written based on materials provided by the “The Nazaré Wave: a trigger for learning” project. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
PICTURE SOURCE: Featured picture Pixbay
CITE THIS PAGE: “Nazaré Wave – High school students become ocean scientists” The Blue Reporters, 28 November 2016.…ocean-scientists/
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