A new YouTube channel for underwater world storytelling
YouTube is one largest websites on the Internet. Daily, Hundreds of hours of video are uploaded and hundreds of millions of hours are viewed. No wonder that in the past years YouTube has become a major player in popularizing science. Science channels are breaking down the complexity of science and translate the science language. The wider public that is interested in science can watch understandable and entertaining science videos.
Youtube science channels about the Ocean
But among the broad variety of science channels it seems like the YouTube community forgot about that thing that covers 71% of our planet.
The ocean!
The ocean has been described as huge, largely unknown, incredibly beautiful and powerful. However, most people do not realize how important the ocean is for our own very existence. Just to put things into perspective, consider that the oxygen in every other breath you take comes from the ocean. Given that the ocean is an inexhaustible source of amazing stories it seems incredible that no marine science themed YouTube channels exist! Or we should say existed, because there is one marine scientist that decided to do something about this.
The Coral Garden Youtube channel
Dr Tullio Rossi, is a marine biologist and science communicator! His marine science communication Youtube channel is called The Coral Garden. On this channel you will find amazing and well-researched ocean stories that you surely will have never heard of before.
The Coral Garden has a fresh and unique style that puts together two of the most powerful tools in science communication: storytelling and whiteboard animation videos. Through this approach, the best possible experience in terms of both entertainment and learning will be given to you. Hence, in every episode, you will learn something new about the ocean.
The Story of Frank the Coral
Coral Bleaching Explained: “The Story of Frank the Coral” explains the very real problem of coral bleaching.
Nemo on Acid
Acidification Explained: “Nemo on Acid” explains the dangers that ocean acidification poses by telling a story of a baby clownfish.
You want to learn more about the ocean, or about important issues such as climate change, pollution and overfishing? Than you should definitely subscribe to “The Coral Garden” YouTube channel and/or follow it on Facebook. Another way of supporting “The Coral Garden” is through Patreon.
STORY SOURCE: The above post is written based on materials provided by Dr. Tullio Rossi. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
PICTURE SOURCE: Featured image copyright by TheBlueReporters.
CITE THIS PAGE: “Marine Science Communication on YouTube” The Blue Reporters, June 2016. http://www.thebluereporters.com/2016/07/youtube-marine-science-communication
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